I currently attend John A. Ferguson Senior High School in South West Miami Dade and I am a part of my high school's TV production program, Ferguson's Broadcasting Network, or FBN for short. We broadcast a daily live morning show, called FBN News, to a student body of over 4,000 students in the largest school in Miami Dade County. I am a reporter, writer, cameraman, editor, and anchor for the FBN News team. In this TV production program, we are taught all the necessary skills to be a part of this industry. Growing up in Miami, Florida, there is always something going on in the news that would keep me glued to the TV. Throughout the years, my passion for broadcast journalism and TV production has grown tremendously and impeccably. As a 17 year old high school student prospectively graduating in June of the year 2021, I have attended several conventions and competitions for the journalism and media field. I have won a number of awards from the Florida Scholastic Press Association, such as an All Florida, to Excellent's and Honorable Mentions. I have also been awarded First Place by The Miami Dade County Office of the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners, for their annual e-Creative Visions Challenge. I am certified in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015, the Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft (M.T.A.) Operating System Fundamentals, and M.T.A. Networking Fundamentals. I am also currently preparing to certify in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe InDesign. I have produced videos for organizations such as the Miami Dade County Public School District, Miami Dade Police Department, Santa's Enchanted Forest, and Embajadores Del Arte.
My interest for the field of broadcast journalism and the media is a deep part of my life as I am pursing a career in this industry. Telling a story and informing the public through video and sound is my passion.